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A Brief Introduction to Gongshu

    Located in the south tip of the Grand Canal, Gongshu district is the location of Hangzhou Municipal Committee and Hangzhou government. With an area of 87.73 square kilometers, it consists of 10 sub-districts, 40 economic cooperatives and 99 communities. By the end of 2018, the registered residents have reached 380,879, among which 188,498 are males and 192,381females. According to the statistics, in 2018, 4,720 babies were born while 2,596people died, the birth rate was 12.39‰ and population natural birth rate 5.58‰; the gross regional product amounted to 58.18 billion yuan, an increase of 4.2%; the added value of service industry went to15.71 billion yuan, a rise of 11.5%; the local finance revenue reached8.44 billion yuan, the fixed assets investment 39.0 billion yuan and the total retail sales of consumer goods56.54 billion yuan, up8.0%, 19% and 8.7% respectively; all the required tasks like open-ended economy, energy-saving and lower energy consumption, family planning were fulfilled; the employment rate in the urban district came to 98.78%.

  Gongshu district is environmentally attractive with the Grand Canal, ancient yet elegant, running through the whole district like a silver necklace, bestowing numerous historic relics and splendid cultural heritages. The Grand Canal was listed in the World Cultural Heritage in 2014 and among the 11 heritage spots in Zhejiang province, 3 are in Gongshu. This leg of the Canal in Hangzhou is the most well preserved, profound in cultural details and rich in tourist resources. On Nov. 2018, Gongshu was awarded Top 100 Happiest County (Sub-district) in China.


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